Dying Easter Eggs with Yellow Onion Skins
Yellow onions skins make a beutifull red Easter Egg. By wrapping the egg with skins you can create batik-like look to the eggs.
When make it easter eggs there are a few tips to successfully making eggs. See tips.
To make Easter Eggs dyed with yellow onions skins, place “handfull” of onion skins in the pan, then add the egg in 1 layer.. For batik-lik eggs wrapp the eggs in pieces of onion skin then wrap that with a larger onion skin or cloth and secure the rubber bans or string. A cloth is easier to hold the skins together.
Then add cool water to cover the eggs by atleast 1 inch of water. Then add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the water to soften the shell, while it cooks.
Turn the burner onto medium high, until the water comes to a boil. Then turn th burner down to low and let the eggs simmer for atleast 10 minutes. I like to let them sit for longer, so they absorb more of the dye.
Once they have sat in th dye for long enouph, remove them and place them on a paper towel, parchment paper, wax paper or even newpaper. Wax paper can cause the dye to pool and leave spots and newpaper ink may come off on the egg.
Let the eggs dry. If you used the batik-like method you can unwrap them after they have sat for a while and let them dry.
Once the eggs have dried, take a paper towel and dap it in a little oil and rub it on the eggs. It doesn’t much only a few drops can oil several eggs. Dry the eggs off and set aside for a few minute, then refrigrate them.
You should have some beutiful naturually colored red Easter Eggs.