Dark Blue Easter Eggs With Natural Dye – Blueberries For these eggs, I dyed them with blueberries. They came out with a very nice blue/purple color.   Making the dye For this, we used 2 cups of blueberries. For a…

Robin Blue Eggs

Made with Red Cabbage Supplies: red cabbage large knife pot water vinegar baking soda glasses or bowls oil (I uses olive oil) paper towel and of course eggs. For this test pre-boiled eggs. One of the fun dyes to use…

Electricity Timeline

1800  For the first time Allessandro Volta (Italian) produces a continuous electrical power (as opposed to a spark or static electricity) from a stack of silver and zinc plates. https://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php With the invention of the battery (Allessandro Volta, 1800) 1820  Hans…